The calendar says January, albeit the last day, but the weather outside is shouting early spring. It was in the 50s here yesterday and should reach the 50s again today. The early warmth seems to have put a spring in my step. I ran today's 6-mile maintenance run at a quicker pace than I intended, or is probably wise. But, it felt good at the time. When I can shed some layers and don't have to worry about icy spots, my body just wants to go faster. Go figure.
The nice weather also has me looking forward to lining up and racing! That plus the fact that I got an email this morning announcing that today is the first day to sign up for this year's North Face Endurance Challenge events. More later.
Of course, older runners--like moi!--must think long and hard about the length of their racing season and the number of their races. In both instances, too much can lead to injury and/or ennui. This is another case where each individual runner has to figure work what works for him/her.
While some experts recommend limiting marathons to two per year, others are more liberal. Jeff Galloway (Marathon: You Can Do It!), while not endorsing the practice, notes that it's possible to run another marathon as soon as a month later. While I know people who race (5K, 10K, 5-Miles) almost weekly in the summer months with no apparent ill effects, the experts that I heed recommend limiting such races to no more than twice a month. Again, one has to find what works for him/her.
I live to run, not to race, and I use races to measure how I'm doing. As a result, I choose my races carefully. I usually use December as a recovery month and do only light running. Then, in January, I ramp up my training. At that time, I check my notes and select the races that I'd like to do over the coming months.
I like to begin with a spring marathon. Last year, I ran the Capitol City Marathon in Olympia, Washington. (My son lives in the Seattle area and ran the marathon with me.) This year, I've chosen the May 6 Colorado Marathon in Ft. Collins, Colo. I try to do a second marathon in the fall. Last year, I ran the Amica Seattle Marathon in November. As things turned out, it was a race too far for me. I had already done the North Face Endurance Challenge 50K at Madison, Wisc., in September. Eight miles into the Seattle Marathon, I injured my right calf, and while I hobbled the rest of the way, it was slow and painful. I don't won't to do that again.
This year, I'm going to limit myself to a single marathon or longer event in the fall. Among the races I'm considering are the Madison North Face Endurance Challenge and the local Quad-City Marathon.
I do two local races in the summer: the Moon Light Chase in July and the Run With Carl on Labor Day. This year, I'm considering the Pikes Peak Ascent in Colorado Springs, Colo. We visit Colorado Springs every year, and there's no reason we couldn't time our visit to correspond with the Pikes Peak Ascent in mid-August. Neither my son, who lived in Colorado Springs for several years and ran in the mountains, nor my wife is very supportive of my interest in running the Ascent. We'll see.
If you're looking for races, you can find lists in lots of places including,,, and
Check out the Colorado Marathon here: Unfortunately this year's marathon is full, but there's always next year.
Check out the 2012 North Face Endurance Challenge events here:
One year soon, I'd like to do the Endurance Challenge at Bear Mountain, NY, but not this year. It's the same weekend as the Colorado Marathon and they already have my money. The Kansas City event is being moved from August to November. Wise decision. August in KC is too hot/humid for a marathon, much less a 50K. There is no 50-Mile race in KC. The KC event also is unique in that it's run on roads, not trails. Right now, I'm considering running in Madison, Wisc. in September or KC in November. I'm still debating distances. I hope to try 50 miles one day, but don't know if I'm ready. Anyway, my experience in Madison last year (50K) was very positive and I'm eager to return. At some distance. Registration for all North Face Endurance Challenge events opens today (January 31).
The Pikes Peak Ascent/Pikes Peak Marathon has just posted entry information for the 2012 races. You can find it here:
You're already capable of running 50 miles; don't short-change yourself. A solid piece of guidance is it takes 1 day to heal for every hard mile you run. So you'll be back to 100% about three and a half weeks after a marathon, but a quick 3 days after a 5K. Your fear of racing isn't founded, though. There's no need to limit races; especially shorter ones. Training for training's sake is no fun. It's the race that makes up for all your hard work. I think if you ran harder during your training, a race wouldn't feel so much a difference.