Despite what you've been reading so far, this is a running blog, not a weather blog. The thing is that the weather so far in 2012 has been so unseasonably warm that it demands mention. Today is the latest example: sunny, light winds, and temps in the low 50's. More like late March or early April than January. It has made getting out and running much easier than usual.
I took advantage of the favorable weather and the fact that I've fully recovered from last week's long run to get in a hill workout this morning. After a two-mile warm-up, I ran 6 x .5 miles hills at c. 5k effort. Add in 6 x .5 miles jogging downhill and another mile of cool-down, and my total mileage was 9 miles. The hills repeats weren't easy, but overall, I was encouraged by the workout. Especially the absence of any tweaks on the hills.
Since today's theme is more of the same, I will mention Alabama's victory over LSU last night in the BCS championship. That's Alabama's second national championship in the past three years and fourteenth overall. Most of those fourteen were won back in the 1960s and 1970s under legendary coach Paul "Bear" Bryant. Two of them were won over the four years that I spent as an undergrad in Tuscaloosa. Roll Tide! Anyone interested can read my memories of the Bear here:,15202,112623,00.html
Roll Tide!